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Wonder Slave: Punishment

Wonder Woman Slave Punishment By Harley Quinn
Wonder Slave Punishment 3 - Wonder Slave: Punishment

Every young villain gets some troubles with cheeky and defiant superheroines, who don’t have any respect for the villain’s sexual desires. Bold measures are needed to tackle this problem 🙂

Wonder Slave Punishment 4 - Wonder Slave: Punishment

Now you can use many effective BDSM devices to punish your Wonder Slave just the way you like it and make her much more open-minded to any proposals from a villain and his minions (optional).

Wonder Slave Punishment 5 - Wonder Slave: Punishment

Would you like to get two for the price of one? Punish your superheroine in public!

Plenty of rich people, criminals and villains will be unusually happy to see the proud wonder bitch gets what she deserves, so you can earn good money just for fun!

I hope you like the way our BDSM game development is going.

Thanks to all our backers on Patreon. Feel free to write your ideas in comments, folks!


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