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FALLEN HEROINE – Ruby Fast Fingers

Fallen Heroine Ruby Fast Fingers Main - Fallen Heroine – Ruby Fast Fingers

Meet a new character in the Fallen Heroine game. Ruby is a young elven girl with the fastest fingers in the Kingdom.

Fallen Heroine Ruby Fast Fingers - Fallen Heroine – Ruby Fast Fingers

She can steal a fang from a sleeping troll or even a virgin from lewd gang of goblins. At least she believes in it 🙂

Fallen Heroine Ruby Fast Fingers By Zuleyka Pic1 - Fallen Heroine – Ruby Fast Fingers

Strengths: Fast Fingers can easily cheat your guards and steal your gold.
Weaknesses:   She stole my notes. So I don’t know.

Fallen Heroine Ruby Fast Fingers By Zuleyka - Fallen Heroine – Ruby Fast Fingers

Do you want to know her better?

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