Hey folks,
There are only four days left until Wonder Slave Trainer 0.6.2 release. As always, on the monthly reward day: Jun 5th. So soon, you can launch on a new adventure.
Yay, this month, we’ve finally bought a new laptop. It means that we can return to our full-fledged production of animation content. And furthermore, we got a great addition to our team: a talented animator, and an amazing girl – Marlis.
Some animation videos have already been made by Marlis and they will be added to the upcoming build.
Meet one more team member. Kun the cat is heading the morale department and he means business. 😂
The WST 0.6.2 release will continue to evolve the “Wonder Woman vs Nazis” storyline. The Nazi villain team and their pet – Mutant will make every effort to expand Wonder Woman’s erotic horizons.
Spying on the fascist chicks, you’re going to know more about their enhanced interrogation techniques or simply put – “kinky” practices.
The Wonder Slave Trainer 0.6.2 trailer is waiting for you, so let’s take a peek!
That’s all for today. Thank you guys for your support, and I hope you enjoy the upcoming release! We’ve put a lot of time and effort into it.